I Was Fired From My Job 3 Years Ago Today
I Was Fired From My Job 3 Years Ago This Thanksgiving

The last time I had a regular 9-5 job was exactly 3 years ago this week. And over the past 2 years, there were over 9 million Americans who lost their jobs due to the pandemic. Although the reason for being unemployed is different, I’m sure many of us were full of the same mixed emotions ranging from anger, frustration, a little excitement for the unknown, and of course, being scared and worried about finding another job when our money runs out.

In this video, I speak about losing my job as a director of sales at a Boston-based SaaS start-up. I don’t speak too much about the details of losing my job, but instead about the whole experience and how it led to me working with TaskRabbit! Because of this app, I haven’t looked back at the corporate world. This is also the reason why I have a FREE course for other self-employed individuals who want to make a good living being their own boss and creating their own schedule.

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