Make Manage Grow Money!
Learn About This Personal Finance BrandMake Manage Grow Money has helped thousands of individuals increase their income and credit scores, lower their debt, and budget their money.
Make Manage Grow Money is a personal finance blog and brand owned by Chell Brown LLC and run by its owner and founder, Adam Ace Spencer.
Get to Know the Person Behind Make Manage Grow Money
I’m a Renaissance Entrepreneur. “Renaissance Entrepreneurs are smart, passionate business people who are knowledgeable, educated, and proficient in a wide range of fields AND who share that knowledge with the world through building brands and companies that change the world.” Marketing Artfully
One’s financial independence journey is hardly as simple as it seems. I grew up in low-income housing and fell into debt with thousands of dollars in delinquency between credit cards and loans. But I never gave up and always kept it moving. Of course, I’m still not where I want to be, but I’m proud of my progress thus far and am excited about where I am going.
The self-employment world has always been a part of my life, even before I knew it. From side gigs to the corporate world and being a business owner, I have a broad range of professional and personal experiences that have exposed me to various circumstances. Knowing about me and how I had a credit score in the 500s and have increased it to over 800 should help inspire and motivate others. It can be especially tough when you are doing everything yourself. Now, you have someone to bounce ideas off to gain a different but valuable perspective.
I’ve ultimately started this blog and brand because I enjoy working with and supporting others as they strive toward their personal finance and business goals or financial independence.
Founded in 2021, Chell Brown LLC is my digital marketing and media publishing company, supporting self-employed individuals and small businesses. I produce free educational media content, including this site and YouTube videos, and provide paid business consulting services.
Providing general labor assistance, AdamHelper Handyman Services was started in 2019 and registered with Boston in 2020.
I sold interactive video software as a service for two years, where I managed a six-figure book of business, closing powerhouses such as Google!
I sold powerful and engaging digital employee communications software for three years, landing my first $60,000 sale and being part of multiple deals worth more.
My first business formed with a few others, which was a great learning experience.
Off and on for over ten years, I worked with CBS MaxPreps as an independent contractor, where we’d partner with Nike to Gatorade to produce high school sports video content.
My first real experience working as an independent contractor was for Publishers Circulation Fulfillment, a Boston Globe subdivision. I managed and oversaw a team of 15-20 “hawkers” who sold the Boston Globe, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and more.