You Should Have Multiple Bank Accounts (1)

Open Multiple Bank Accounts/ How Many Bank Accounts Should I Have?

Having multiple bank accounts is generally recommended for anyone making money. But you might be asking, how many bank accounts should I have? In this video, I share one money management strategy where you should have at least 4 bank accounts consisting of two checking accounts and two savings accounts. Financial Expert, Tiffany Aliche, said…

Roth IRA in Your 20s is a Must / Retirement Planning in your 30s

Roth IRA in Your 20s is a Must / Retirement Planning in your 30s

Starting a Roth IRA in your 20s is probably one of the most critical financial recommendations I can give most young entrepreneurs and self-employed individuals. Of course, I never offer legal or financial advice, and everyone’s situation is different, so a Traditional IRA might also make more sense. But generally speaking, because of the Roths…