How Taskrabbit and the Gig Economy Can Help You Start a Business in 2024
Supplement Your Income During a Recession We all know how challenging it can be to make ends meet, especially during difficult economic times. Maybe you’re dealing with debt, job loss, or struggling to find full-time work. Whatever your situation, you might want to consider starting a business as a Taskrabbit or gig economy worker. With…

Don’t Give Up – Money Saving March Challenge – Day 20
Down But Not Out! Reflections on Day 20 of the Money Saving March Challenge It’s Day 20 of the Money Saving March challenge, and although I’m not proud to admit it, we didn’t make it through with flying colors. This helps explain the lack of content over the past week. Just keeping it real, but…

Shopping Around – Money Saving March Challenge – Day 11
The Benefits of Shopping Around The Money Saving March Challenge continues! Today, we’re talking about the importance of shopping around. We all know that comparing prices before making a purchase can save us money, but oftentimes, it’s easier said than done. But if you take the time to do your research and compare prices, you…

Cash Envelope System – Money Saving March Challenge / Day 10
The Cash Envelope System: A Simple Way to Save Money Day 10 of our Money Saving March challenge is here, and it’s becoming more and more popular as people continue to look for ways to cut back on their spending and save money. One of the most successful methods is the cash envelope system. Even…

Coupons – Money Saving March / Day 9
Coupon Shopping Strategies Welcome to Day 9 of the Money Saving March challenge! Today we’re talking about coupons. If you’re planning on making a purchase, there are countless ways to save money by using coupons. Many stores offer discounts at checkout if customers show coupons saved on their phones or in printouts at the register….

Shopping List – Money Saving March / Day 8
The Benefits of Making a Shopping List It’s Day 8 of the Money Saving March challenge, and today’s task is to make a shopping list if you plan on shopping. This may seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people go into a store without a plan and end up impulse buying…

Reduce Daily Expenses – Money Saving March/ Day 7
How to Reduce Daily Expenses Welcome to Day 7 of Money Saving March! If you’re looking for an easy way to start saving money, one of the best solutions is to cut back on your daily expenses. Eating out, using ride-sharing services, and ordering takeout are all convenient but expensive options that can quickly add…

Smart Thermostat – Money Saving March Challenge / Day 6
Get a Smart Thermostat and Layer Up to Save on Energy Bills Every day, it seems like another bill needs to be paid. From rent and mortgages to water and electricity bills, keeping track of all your expenses can be hard. That’s why we introduced the Money Saving March Challenge! Day 6 of the challenge…

50/30/20 Rule – Money Saving March Challenge / Day 5
How to Budget with the 50/30/20 Rule in 2023 It’s Day 5 of Money Saving March, and today we are talking about budgeting again. More specifically, we are discussing using the 50/30/20 budget rule to save money in 2023. The 50/30/20 rule is an excellent way for self-employed or independent contractors to manage their money…