Richard Fain, the former NFL player turned YouTube financial guru, is among the few YouTubers I watch fairly consistently. I’ve never really disagreed with him. Still, I don’t, but I was surprised to watch his recent video on credit card arbitrage and how you can use credit cards to make money and build wealth.
Credit card arbitrage refers to the process of borrowing money from a credit card at a low-interest rate and then investing that money at a higher interest rate to try to make a profit.
Not having done it before, I understand the logic and can see why anyone would be interested in using this as a financial tool to build wealth. However, I know what it’s like to fall into debt thousands of dollars because of unpaid credit cards, and I do not want to be in that position again.
So it’s all about risk management and making sound investments. The risk isn’t necessary for me since I work hard to generate an income while also slowly building up multiple passive income streams.
Someday I will most likely explore credit card arbitration as a tool for making more money that will help me move forward towards financial freedom. But today, while my credit score is the highest it’s ever been and I’m debt-free, I’ll pass for now. Instead, I’ll use this opportunity to remind others of the importance of money management and making wise financial decisions that will help keep you out of debt.