Investing in Growth Stocks During a Recession in 2022 & 2023
Are you thinking about investing in growth stocks during a recession? You must be out of your mind! growth stocks are the riskiest investments you can make during uncertain economic times. growth companies are typically young and unproven, and their share prices are highly sensitive to changes in the overall market. If the economy weakens,…

Importance of Why You Should Diversify Your Stock Portfolio in 2022/ M1 Finance Portfolio Updates
Investing is a great way to grow your money and make it work for you. But suppose you invest in one company or, more specifically, only growth stocks. What happens if that investment goes south? We all know diversifying our investments is essential, but how do we actually diversify our stock portfolios? One of the…

Financial Freedom on a Budget: Using Gig Apps in 2022 and 2023
It can be hard to save money and achieve financial freedom on a budget. Between rent, bills, groceries, and other expenses, it feels like there’s never enough left over at the end of the month. Well, lucky for you, times are changing, and we’re just entering the gig economy. You can use gig apps to…

3 Ways to Invest in Stocks if the Market Crashes in 2022
The stock market is volatile, and it can be challenging to know what to do when the market crashes. In times of uncertainty, it’s essential to have a plan in place so that you can make the most of the situation. Here are three different strategies for investing in stocks if the market crashes in…

The Case for Dollar-Cost Averaging in 2022
Dollar-cost averaging is a technique used to invest in stocks or other securities at fixed intervals. This strategy involves investing a fixed sum of money into the market regularly instead of trying to time it perfectly by buying all your shares at once when prices are low. Dollar-cost averaging is an effective way for investors…

My M1 Finance Dividend Portfolio is Comfortably Cruising Forward
When some investors argue with me about dividends being a lousy investment, I can’t help to wish I had put more money into this portfolio. Of course, a dividend portfolio might not make as much money as a growth portfolio, but it’s also not as risky. And when the market isn’t treating growth stocks so…

Buy Palantir Stock? Diamond Hands / Growth Portfolio Update
Buy Palantir Stock? Growth Portfolio Update for January 8th and 9th, 2022 Palantir Stock is getting hammered – but it’s not alone. Our M1 Finance growth portfolio is down pretty badly along with dozens of other popular growth stocks. And honestly, considering how volatile growth stocks have been over the past 12 years, but also…

Investing in Growth Stocks in 2022: The Risks and Lovely Rewards
In growth stocks, there is a significant risk and reward. If you invest in growth stocks, the rewards can be huge. But if you do not have a long-term outlook on investing, growth stocks will make you poor very quickly. This blog post will discuss how growth stocks work and what risks they might pose…